I used to write monthly wrap-up posts for my old blog that included budget analysis and personal goal tracking. These posts were always more for me than an audience, so I stopped posting them. Why was I publishing something so personal? However, I discovered that I just let everything slide without that little bit of internal accountability. Whoops.
I’ve had a rough few months. Between my mental and physical health, I’ve really been on the struggle bus. I have no idea when I’ll start sending my newsletter again, but I don’t want to completely abandon my site. So, as a compromise, I’ve decided to start posting my monthly wrap-ups again. I’ll leave them on the public blog (for now, at least), but I won’t send them as newsletters. I expect no one will see these but the bots.
I’m doing a low-buy year in 2025. I’m in a period of relative austerity, to be honest. I’ve lost a few clients recently (just through circumstance — it wasn’t anything I did), and I don’t have any immediate prospects to replace them. I simply have less to spend right now. Considering how costs will likely increase soon, I’m just spending as little as I can. I’m shopping secondhand first (as usual) for clothing and household goods and doing a no-buy on sewing patterns and fabric through June, at least. (Necessary notions like thread and elastic and my two sewing subscriptions are exempt.) I have a thoughtful set of low-buy rules, though I don’t need to go into detail here. I did follow my rules in January!
I’m saving for a training program/certification in a new field. (I’ll post more about that in later months.) So far, I’ve saved a little over 40% of the amount I’ll need for that program. January is one of my highest earning months, so although this was a great start, it will take a lot longer to accumulate the rest.
I didn’t spend anything on clothing this month. I spent $20.07 for a sewing subscription and some used storage containers for my sewing area. I also spent $68.19 on books. Over half of that was for pre-ordered Kindle titles and my Audible subscription, so I consider that a success! I often spend around $100 on books, but considering I read between 200 and 300 books a year*, that’s not outrageous. (Yes, I use the library. A lot.)
Our household spending was likewise constrained in January. We spent $22 less than budgeted for groceries and almost exactly hit our target for other household categories.
As mentioned, January is a high-earnings month for me, so I worked extra hours. I have two clients with annual projects still to bill in February, and I plan to list a few things on eBay.
I’ve abandoned my novel writing for the moment (more on that in a future newsletter), but I joined the 12 Short Stories in 12 Months program on Deadlines for Writers. I submitted my story on time and actually enjoyed writing it—something I haven’t been able to say for a long time now.
I listed eight goals for January. Some of these will change from month to month, and some will remain the same.
▪ Take two online writing classes
▪ Write short story
▪ Send two newsletters
I took two classes (one was really good) and wrote and posted my story on time, but I didn’t send any newsletters. It was a mixed bag, but it felt like a success after not writing for months.
▪ Hang framed posters
▪ Try one new recipe
I plan to try 12 new recipes this year, and I tried two recipes in January, so I’m ahead. I made sesame ginger noodles and enchilada casserole. Both were delicious! I also hung the posters. Done and done!
▪ Transfer savings to a high-yield savings account
We decided where to move our money but haven’t yet followed through. I’ll move this goal to next month.
▪ Visit MFAH
▪ Sew one project
A bust on both counts! Due to weather and illness, I never made it to the museum and missed an exhibit I wanted to see. Oh, well! I started a sewing project but haven’t quite finished it. Like the recipe goal, I intend to sew 12 things in 2025, but some months will inevitably have multiple projects, and some will have none.
Goals for February
▪ Finish reading Seven Drafts by Allison K Williams
▪ Write short story
▪ Send newsletter
▪ Schedule eye exams
▪ Try one new recipe
▪ Transfer savings to a high-yield savings account
▪ Attend two concerts
▪ Sew one project
Everything Else
- We survived a snowstorm in Houston! Global warming is global weirding. A pipe burst in our building, but they had it repaired within 24 hours. There was enough snow to make snowmen! I’ve never seen anything like that here.
- I re-watched all five seasons of “Person of Interest.” I love that show. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack while I work lately, too.
- I’ve been avoiding the news and social media as much as possible because I’m already anxious and depressed to the point that I’m barely functional. Shit is only going to get worse, and I can’t do a damned thing about it. I’m basically contracting my scope of attention for personal survival. We live in hell.
- I read 23 books in January. (*See? Not kidding about that annual number.)
And that was January.