10:00 a.m.
I can’t honestly call myself a morning person as I am an abomination of the lightless void, so I don’t awaken from my unholy slumber until mid-morning. I growl and unfurl my tentacles, and after my morning ablutions (even I must brush my numerous, savage teeth), I quickly devour a few of my favored acolytes. To be honest, I might prefer a nice bowl of muesli, but crunching my way through a screaming mortal or two seems to keep morale at a reasonable level.
11:30 a.m.
I play Wordle and then contemplate the Stygian darkness from which I was summoned (and to which I must one day return). I snack on yet another human and then send visions of ceaseless fright to unsuspecting sleepers in other time zones. I continue this activity for quite a while — most of the day, really. I may take a break here or there to stretch my fiendish wings, but mainly, I sow dread in the minds of mankind. It’s essentially my job.
2:00 p.m.
I eat another few acolytes and spend some time in deep meditation, then back to inspiring madness in the minds of mortals.
7:30 p.m.
My followers expect me to sit through a veneration ceremony most evenings, which fills most of my downtime. (I do enjoy the chanting and the blissful aroma of human panic, though.) I next devour a few more of my acolyte’s souls as they wail and beg for mercy. I may also consume an occasional human sacrifice, depending on the phase of the moon. I then check to see if the stars have aligned and if the barrier has at last become permeable between this fragile earthly realm and the demonic void from which I came. Unfortunately, I alone remain trapped on this plane of existence, longing for the time when my accursed brethren can pour through a rift in space and time into this world. I console myself by terrorizing as many people as I can with disturbing dreams.
3:00 a.m.
I myself fall into a ponderous slumber in the wee hours of the morning, wherein my sleeping self inspires gibbering madness and a great fearfulness among the populace. (They will never be safe, not even in their dreams.) I must rebuild my strength so that I may get up tomorrow and do it all again, at least until my dark home finally spills over into this feeble domain. Then, and only then, my hideous compatriots and I can take our places as the rightful rulers of this dimension.
2 responses to ““A day in the life…””
Nightmares received successfully,
keep up the demented work 😺
Thank you. And apologies?? 😅😅😅