As we all know, the DEADx acronym stands for Diabolic, Eldritch, Arcane, and Darkness. We’re all here because we’re interested in one or more of these areas. My specialty is darkness.
It shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone here, but I was a dark kid. I read too much Edgar Allen Poe, watched endless horror movies, and listened to The Cure on repeat. (I had two posters of Robert Smith in my room! One wasn’t enough.) However, I was an aspiring actor when I was young, so I could never lean very hard into the goth aesthetic. Sure, I wore a lot of black clothing and hung out in graveyards, but I needed to look fairly “normal” for stage work. I felt the part far more than I looked the part.
Don’t get me wrong! I have creepy street cred. I took a nap in a crypt once (true story), and I’m still the weird little goblin I always was. But the aesthetic never defined me. The attitude did.
You might be thinking, “Nice bio, Sarah, but what the hell does this have to do with self-care?” Well, I was a creepy type-A kid who ran herself straight into the ground. I often did 14-hour days in college. I worked two on-campus jobs, participated in recitals and choirs, and did two to three stage shows a semester on top of a full course load. I was absolutely cooked after a few years of that.
People seem to think of self-care as an activity for wealthy ladies who like spa days, but it’s actually about taking care of yourself so you can continue to do your work in the world. (Self-care was popularized by Black community activists in the 1960s and 1970s, so its roots are far removed from its current popular perception!) Anyone can fall into burnout, normies and weirdos alike.
Self-care is essential for preserving physical and mental health, but the stereotypical way we think of self-care can be off-putting, especially when it’s presented as something you purchase. Worse, self-care terminology has been co-opted by the wellness industry, so sketchy health claims pop up alongside more practical advice. Many yoga studios and similar spaces aren’t welcoming to anyone who isn’t young, thin, or white. A lot of what we see around self-care is problematic!
To make self-care more accessible, I think a little monstrous advice is in order so we goblins can continue living our best lives…
- Vampires need blood, and humans need water. Have you had a glass of water lately? Staying hydrated seems like the most obvious thing in the world, but the busier we are, the more we forget to do the basics. You might want to avoid holy water, though. I understand that stuff can burn.
- Ghosts don’t need to eat, but you do. Plan ahead If you skip meals when stressed. Has it been more than six hours since you had a meal? It might be time for a snack if you’re not asleep. It’s difficult to think clearly when you’re hungry, and many of us are disconnected from sensations of hunger, so we may need to schedule our meals. Bonus points: Eat some fresh fruits and vegetables. Ghouls don’t eat only prepackaged food, so we probably shouldn’t either.
- Many cryptids are elusive fast-movers, so be like Sasquatch and Mothman and get some exercise. Take a quick walk every day, and if (like me) you mostly walk on a treadmill, make an effort to get outside amongst the trees occasionally. Any regular movement practice — such as yoga, tai chi, spin class, or fleeing monster hunters — can help to reduce stress. Remember, blurry photos are all you’ll leave behind if you’re quick enough.
- Horrible, tentacled elder gods slumber in the tenebrous depths, and we need to sleep, too. Many of us don’t get enough rest. Between our packed schedules and ubiquitous screens, it’s challenging to wind down. But sleep is the freakiest thing humans do! Each night, we embrace a period of unconsciousness where our brains conjure bizarre, lifelike visions. Come on, that is eerie. If you have trouble sleeping, try to limit caffeine and turn off all screens at least one hour before bedtime. Then we may lie in slumbrous repose until the stars align.
- Werewolves and humans are both social creatures, so take time to connect with your people. We often fail to prioritize our social connections. Make an effort to reach out: Call or text an old friend, email your bestie, or send your auntie an old-fashioned letter through the mail. You could even schedule a last-minute get-together for Halloween. Remember, online counts! Social media friends can be real friends, after all. My partner and I host a Zoomoween party every October so we can virtually “see” all of our far-flung friends. Get involved in your community if you have the time and energy; so many organizations could use your volunteer labor. Best of all, schedule a recurrent “group hang” if you can: A book club, an ongoing D&D game, or a full-moon run through the woods with your pack are just a few of the possibilities.
- Just as a masked madman pursues vengeance with single-minded intent, we need to focus on our priorities. As a middle-aged gloomster, I know that my time here is limited, and as such, I need to focus on what’s most important to me. It can take some intense self-exploration to decide what is essential in your life, but once you know, it can be freeing to jettison everything that doesn’t matter. My list will look different from yours, as our priorities are unique and personal — and can change over time. Jason, Michael, and Freddy may have a singular purpose, but ordinary mortals evolve and change. But that change is easier when you know what you really need.
Taking care of ourselves shouldn’t be an afterthought. We need to be functional to pursue our passions, whether that involves making our community a better place or dung-posting in our newsletters. We can be melancholic and morbid creatures shuffling through a hostile world, but we can be more effective monsters if we practice self-care.
Thank you.

- You can read last year’s more tongue-in-cheek DEADx Talk here.
- The new Ghost Cop album is out, and it is FIRE.
- We’re on vacation! I’m posting this at the last minute from a charming Airbnb in Denver. I forgot to bring socks, and my skin is drying out like a prune, but we’re having a great time.
Quick heads up: There may be a delay in posting next week. My web host is upgrading their servers, so my site may be offline briefly. It might not affect our schedule at all. But it might! So, fair warning.
That’s it for today. OKAY, BYE! 🖤